The Myth of Instant Online Rates

We Recommend Not Trusting Online Rating Systems.

We used to show rates on our site, but they hardly matched what customers would actually get. We target over 50s with health issues, yet only 2% of them can get the top rates. People would either see a high price and leave without talking to an expert, missing out on their real rate, or get excited about a low price but then find out they didn't qualify for it after filling out a form. Both scenarios weren't beneficial for anyone.

Life Insurance Isn't The Same As Car Or Health Insurance.

No software can fully assess your health for an accurate quote by just asking questions and checking your medical and lab records instantly. Despite ads claiming you can get coverage without health questions or exams, those rates are never the best deal and often much higher than what many people qualify for.

We Don't Offer Those Low-Quality Options.

We do offer no-exam insurance products, but they still require thorough underwriting, including medical records and past lab results. This process ensures you receive the lowest possible price for life insurance, as medical records aren't accessible online like driving or prescription histories.

Providing live quotes would lead to inaccuracies 98% of the time, and that's not our aim. While we could offer unrealistic quotes upon request, it's not a productive use of time, and many other sites already do that. If you're under 40, medication-free, at a perfect weight, and with no health issues, you're among the 2% who might get an accurate online quote without an agent's help. However, that's not our target audience.

Life Insurance Involves A Process.

You might worry about being pressured to buy when talking to an insurance agent. Unlike many, we don’t push sales. We believe if you’re calling us, you see the value in life insurance. If there’s no real need, quoting is a waste of both our times. Life insurance for those with health issues, who don’t fit into the easy 2%, is a thorough process. You can’t just buy it instantly; it starts with an exam or phone interview, followed by gathering medical records, before an insurance offer is made. If you're upfront with us, and we ask the right questions, the final offer should match our initial quote. Quick online quotes rarely end up accurate.

A 10-minute call for a real quote saves time in the long run. It avoids months of underwriting for a policy that doesn’t fit your budget or needs. We do the upfront work to ensure you get the best rate and the right insurer from the start. We earn our pay when you accept and pay for your policy. If we don’t offer the best rate, and you find a better one elsewhere, we don’t earn. Our goal is to offer unbeatable rates, and we do it every day.

"We're The Industry's Best At What We Do, With No Time For Unrealistic Quotes." -

About Us

TermLifeProvider | Home of HassanHelps is a leading life insurance brokerage with the best rates from top insurers. With over 16 years, we've helped thousands save on life insurance.

We've seen many clients struggle with weight and related health issues like sleep apnea, diabetes, high blood pressure, arthritis, and heart disease. By educating our clients on how these health issues affect life insurance costs, we aim to improve their health and reduce their premiums.


Phone : 855-468-8900

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Suite 525

Chicago, Illinois 60611

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